Module Developer Guide


Appleseed Portal uses .NET modules to extend functionality. Below is how to develop a simple C# module and deploy it into appleseed portal.


  • Open Visual Studio 2015

    If you don’t have it, you can download it here.

  • Copy the Appleseed Portal DLL’s from a standard installation \bin folder into your project application’s \bin folder, and then make a reference in your project

  • Create a \Controls directory to store modules.

  • Create a Web Form User Control under above directory. Make sure your user control is in Appleseed module mode by inheriting from PortalModule Control instead of System.Web.UI.UserControl.

    ../../../_images/Ascx.jpg ../../../_images/Ascx.cs.jpg

    Compile it (build > build solution).

  • Deploy your ASCX User controls to your Appleseed Portal DesktopModules\CustomModules\<Module> directory (create CustomModules folder if doesn’t exist yet).

  • Deploy your main and dependent assemblies to your Appleseed Portal \bin directory (.cs files are not required).

  • Run the Install SQL Script on your Appleseed Portal installation Database. The script is located here in a standard Appleseed Portal install root\DesktopModules\CommunityModules\OneFileModule\CSharp Examples\Simple\DBPatch.sql
    • Simply change the following script values

      @FriendlyName - The name of your module within appleseed

      @DesktopSrc - The location of your .ascx main view i.e : DesktopModules\CustomModules\<Module>

  • Add your module to a test page

    Use edit this page to add your module to a test page and make sure it does not crash the page.

  • Usual Scenarios for your module to Fail to load.

    • All dependent dlls are not added to your bin directory.
    • The location of your ascx file in your install script was incorrect.
    • Web.config changes are not transferred from your project web.config to your appleseed portal web.config
  • If you have installed your module correctly, you should see your module on the page
